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Power of

Let your finance knowledge take you to higher grounds.

We know that the earlier you learn the basics of how money works, the more confident and successful you’ll be with your finances later in life. It’s never too late to start learning and with our help you can deep dive into the world of finance. Banking, budgeting, saving, credit, debt, and investing are the pillars that support most of the financial decisions that we’ll make in our lives.


Change your perspective on money by creating your Financial Plan with our support. Financial planning is a smart way to keep your financial house in order. It's a money tool for everyone, regardless of age, earnings, net worth, or financial dreams. It offers a way to document your personal goals and corresponding financial goals and it can keep you on track to meet ongoing financial needs and major financial goals.


The first steps into the world of money start with education. Discover with us the tools that you will need for improving your financial life in the main areas such as income, spending, saving, investing and protection.

Our collaboration

Learn the skills you need for a more financially secure life by booking the financial package that suits you better. In our journey we will focus on establishing your life goals, preparing a monthly budget, nurturing a healthy spending behavior, building an investment portfolio and setting the right habits in order to achieve your financial goals and long-term financial freedom.

Invest on your own

Build or diversify your portfolio by following our recommendations when investing in financial instruments such as stocks, ETFs, bonds, certificates of deposits, mutual funds, saving accounts, government bonds, index funds, among others.

Financial Packages




Set the basic grounds for a healthy financial lifestyle.

Valid for 2 months





Full support in choosing the right financial instruments.

Valid for 6 months

Best Value




Long-term support & assistance in building your portfolio.

Valid for 9 months

Andrei Munteanu

Business-minded Finance manager with over 9+ years of experience in multinational companies, in the financial forecast, budgets, pricing analysis, investments analysis and financial reporting. Results- oriented with a proven track record of working collaboratively with team members to achieve goals.

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The pursuit of knowledge is never-ending, so we keep up with what is happening in the market and we analyze the companies to see what is the best to invest in at the right time. Explore our collection of financial articles, financial analyses, our thoughts on investments and book recommendations meant to help you improve your financial life or your investment portfolio.

Are you ready to redefine your lifestyle?

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